Bicycle style

I am in the midst of writing a presentation for a creative seminar and having trouble narrowing down my aim. Something that I do like, very much in fact seems inappropriate here, as everyone seems to be a fan of the bicycle as much I am. So, I have crossed out anything bike related from my talk, but felt the need to share my joy somehow.
I was reading the New York Times the other day and came across an article called 'A Field Guide to the New York City Bicyclist'. It went through a variety of riders who are bringing their style to the streets of New York. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Miss Adams, a 27 year old graphic designer and art director. The title read 'THE VINTAGE-BIKE FASHION GAL'. I was thrilled to see her endorsement of the skirt+heels combo while biking and her practical sense of having a bike that looked super cool to her, but not as much to bike thieves. Her green Schwinn Varsity 10-speed reminded me of the bike I left back in Toronto, I could only hope to look half as cool as Ms. Adams while riding it.
Somehow biking, especially in the city, while sporting a pretty dress, can make all seem right in the world. This brings me to my sadness this morning when I left the house for my morning ride to work. It was a miserable, and what I am expecting typical, Danish morning. I have not found my rain gear yet and my pretty wellies I brought with me, have split and fallen apart. I realized that I was going to be soaked by the time I arrived at the office, so I decided to try out the 'umbrella hold, while peddling' maneuver. What an amazing ride! I went slowly, to stay nice and safe in my bike lane, and arrived to work feeling refreshed and in top form. Thanks Danish gals, for showing a me how to ride in the rainy days!
It also got me thinking of Monsieur Hulot. He was always prepared with his umbrella and trench coat. If this rain keeps up over the weekend, I am hoping to hang out at the apartment and watch as many Tati films as possible! It is equally impossible to be glum while watching any of his films, as it is to feel sad while eating chocolate chip cookies.