
I am not a great cook, nor do I aspire to be. I do however aspire to be a wonderful consumer of the good stuff. The way in which we engage with food has always interested me.
Whether it was my first experience with southern fried chicken in the deep south, fresh eggs retreived in the morning to make cookies in the afternoon, maple syrup made simmering in the forest, to my first lobster dinner and creme brulee - the way we cook, eat and source food has always been high on my list of things I enjoy. I have heard the phrase "that takes me back" used to describe how the smell and taste of a certain thing can transport us back in time. Nostalgic, yes, but powerful none-the-less.
Coming upon this article that described "the animal and intellectual desires that drive our cravings and food preferences." made me stop. An exhibit in Paris during fashion week called Through the Looking Glass. Drink Me! Eat Me! sounded like such an amazing idea. It combines food, art and what I like best – the notion to consider how, not just what, we eat to be important. “Suckling is different to drinking. Licking is different from biting,”
“You cannot isolate the act of eating from its environment.” Wow, I am getting hungry now.....