old technology

New technology rocks, seriously rocks. However, I can't seem to stop myself indulging in my love of older things, it is so cliché...but this is just how it is. Holga, SLR camera's, typewriters, vintage clothes and accessories, crooner tunes – something with a story and a bit of soul always pulls me in.
Finding old photos that existed pre-facebook will be a winter activity for me, while in Canada. I can close my eyes and conjour up the specific smell of the air on the coast on Newfoundland, looking out to Britian and my very unclear future, at that 25 year old time and finding that photo, along with others that stick out in my mind will be one of the best christmas presents this year.
Ah....nostalgia, whether it be instant or proper is as guilty a pleasure of mine as nibling on chocolate whilst sipping champagne. Embracing the past is important when looking to the future...that's what I tell myself anyway.