Same. Same.

Not being a religious person per see, I am interested in religion and houses of worship as a place of peace and reflection. I found little, other than annoyance in the church that was my 'parish' growing up – however I have had amazing experiences in churches. From France, to Italy to Copenhagen I seem to suss out pricey food shops and churches that move me. I have never been the fortune teller or blind faith kind of gal, but interesting things happen in this small world that connect us all. The ash cloud that hangs over Europe right now is just too good of an example not to mention.
While watching the Graduate, I thought it was strange that I could hear the sounds of silence quietly playing in the background when I didn't think the score had it set to play. After muting the telly...I realized that the song was echoing down my street. Simon & Garfunkel songs played for a few hours and again the next morning. Coincidence, probably....but coincidences make life interesting, and that is pretty cool if you ask me.
Parisian 'milkman' with cow looking on...neato!