food for thought

After the most surreal evening I have spent in a very long time, I have come away with a few feelings. One, is the importance of taking moments to pause and remember people that have touched me and made my life better. I took time today to go see a church I had been meaning to see for quite sometime, but put off for some reason or another. After trekking up to it, I was in awe - serious awe.
It was a very frightening feeling, to be all alone standing in front of such an intimidating structure, on a dark cool autumn night. All the doors were closed and the church was obviously not open, but feeling a need to go further I found my way in and was rewarded for doing so. I had the honor of seeing inside such a beautiful building all alone, in complete silence, with only one candle leading me to explore the shadows. It gave me time to say goodbye to a dear friend and pause to think about my very small part in this very big world. I left the church with three candles burning and to the sounds of the only other person that was there...the organ player. Thank you to the person who left the small side entrance unlocked, to the one that left one lone candle burning and to the organ player who was practising .
As I walked slowly out, I wished that I could always remember the exact way that church looked tonight, the way the light and music filled the space...however it is fading already. What is staying with me however is the memories of my dear friend that I will never again get the pleasure of seeing. Never again will I enjoy a bottle of rose champagne with him, watch all our friends go by from our favorite seats at Terroni or inhale the best lemon pasta outside of Italy on College Street, all while catching up on the matters of the day. I will miss the surprise visits, the advice from a very different point of view, the cooking advice, the wine advice...oh god the wine advice. I remember many things about our friendship and visit them often - the church on the other hand, will be standing on it's ground for much longer than my lifetime, I am sure, so I will visit it in person.