life in 3D

Watching this uber cute animated flick could make even the most gray Danish day sweet. Not only was the movie, short, sweet and technically amazing...the 3D glasses I got to sport while watching it were beyond cool. They looked like W Allen's famous black rimmed pair....I loved them! I have them at my desk now and will eagerly await an excuse to wear them again.
The sun actually came out today...however I am not going to brave the cool waters edge for a run...indoor gym+sauna activity is more realistic I think. I heard the other day 'I am happy to be an adult' I agree, although I don't always feel that way (or really want to either). Sometimes nibling on cookies for dinner, ordering another glass of wine just because it is raining outside or sporting wellies is the smart move....and doing those things does not make me feel like an adult...quite the oppostie actually.