2012 farewell

I have been procrastinating, a big fault of mine. It's not the most spectacular weakness, but it is one that I do own up to and will forever try and chip away at.

Resolutions are not really my thing, but I have made a few for 2013. Keeping it simple is a good way to actually keep these resolutions and the largest one I have promised to myself is to take time to reflect. This could work it's way into many aspects of my life; a slow sip of tea, a moment to appreciate my surroundings or taking a moment to scribble down five lines in my new five year journal at the days end. Keeping my options open has always agreed with me, so I am making broad resolutions that allow for interpretation.

Some others include:
Expose myself to more music, film, art and inspiring surroundings. 
Travel more frequently.
Balance financial accounts. 
Increase yoga, running and cycling. 
Control my environment. 
Show loved ones that respect and support me how special and amazing they are.

So to all those people, thanks for 2012 and onto another year of exciting unknowns!!!


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